What is Centro de Prosperidad?

As Centro Cultural's workforce and economic development branch, we empower people to find living wage jobs, advance their careers, and build a strong foundation for themselves and their families.

Our Job Board is an opportunity to create access and equity in our region—for employers who are looking to diversify their workforces and find qualified candidates for your open positions; and for individuals looking for their next job opportunity on the path to prosperidad. We have a range of membership options available, and we look forward to partnering with you to create access to living-wage jobs and career advancement opportunities for our community.

The Benefits of Membership

Our job portal memberships provide employers the opportunity and connections to diversify their workforces and find qualified candidates. Clients of our Prosperidad workforce program will have their resumes and profiles uploaded to the job board, so they can easily and directly apply for jobs posted to our job board. Together, we can create more access to living-wage jobs and career advancement opportunities for our community.

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Need Support?

Our team is able to help you with the membership onboarding process and make changes to your account as needed. For support, please send an email to [email protected].